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Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do before joining the team in 2022?

> Fill out the Club Sports Agreement to Participate (MANDATORY for all members)

> Do the Metro Rock waiver
> Pay your $20 dues! (Click here to read about getting your dues waived)

What's the difference between Rec and Comp?


-3 meet-ups a week

-Just for fun, no pressure

-Low commitment

-No skill or experience required

-Anybody can join



- 3 practices a week

-You should be looking not just to have fun, but to also work and be constantly improving

-High commitment (2 semesters minimum)

-Being part of comp team requires tryouts

-It is a serious collegiate sport! You will have to travel for competitions, train hard, and be in the gym a lot.

Is it true that I can receive credit for the Climbing Team?

It is true! Members of both Comp and Rec Team are eligible to receive one (1) credit on their transcript per year, either in the Spring or Fall semester, for attending practices. 


Find more information about credit, plus a credit FAQ, at this link.

What Kind of Climbing Do We Do?


Anybody can do bouldering since it requires no equipment or certifications, just chalk and shoes and a brief safety talk from a MetroRock staff member. 



(Also known as "rope climbing"). Anybody who topropes is expected to pass a belay test with our gym, Metro Rock. They'll provide the anchored ropes and climbing wall, but you'll need to provide the harness and ATC-- Metro Rock does not allow tests to be taken with alternative belay devices (but they will let you use them once you pass the test with an ATC).


If you are interested in toproping but not getting certified, Metro Rock also has several auto belays, a mechanical belay device that requires a quick 2 minute training to use and can be used alone. You'll just need a harness!



(Also known as "sport climbing"). Lead climbers must pass a lead certification (separate from the toprope certification) with Metro Rock. The walls already have bolts and clips, but you'll need to provide the harness, rope, and ATC.


Outdoor Climbing?

In the past we haven't been able to offer outdoor climbing, but in the 2023-24 school year we've got some big plans! Keep your eyes and ears out for trips to local crags here soon! Just like with belay classes, the team will subsidize the price for our members, but it likely won't be free.


Why no Speed Climbing?

Simply put, Metro Rock's walls are not tall enough, nor is the gym itself big enough. HOWEVER, we are working on something that might give us access to a speed wall!

I Don't Have Any Gear! What Can I Do?

Worry not! Metro Rock will rent you a pair of shoes, harness, and ATC. The team also owns a new stash of gear that you can "check out" for free. This borrowable gear includes: harnesses, ATCs, ropes (for lead), and chalk (usually).


To borrow gear from the team: go up to the Metro Rock front desk and tell them you'd like to borrow some team gear. You'll sign out whatever item(s) you took, and leave your CatCard as collateral. You'll need to return any equipment you borrowed before you leave the gym at the end of the night.

What are the Costs Associated with Joining the Team?

Membership: $235

Metro rock very generously allows UVM Climbing Team members to receive an extra discount on their membership-- the normal student membership usually costs around $285. 


Dues: $20

Once a year, each member is expected to pay dues. This is because UVM requires our team to fund raise a certain amount of our allowance. Dues are often used for transportation costs, free events, free food, discounts, and more.


Gear: anywhere from $0-$500

$500 is a high price point, but don't let that deter you! Most of the expensive stuff is borrowable (for free) from the team (ropes, belay devices, harnesses, and chalk). A chalk bag is something you'll probably want and the only thing you can't rent or borrow, and these two things combined will probably be no more than $25. 


How to borrow UVM Climbing Team Gear

  1. Go up to the front desk. Say "can I please check out a piece of UVM Climbing Team gear?"

  2. Give the employee at the desk your CatCard or ID. They will keep it as collateral to make sure you return the equipment.

  3. The employee will take you to the storage closet and help you retrieve the equipment of your choice.

  4. Use the equipment respectfully.

  5. Return the equipment you borrowed at the front desk when you are done with it. Tell them "this is UVM Climbing Team gear that I borrowed". Ask for your CatCard back.

  6. You will get your CatCard back. If the gear you borrowed is returned in bad condition or a rope is poorly coiled, you may be barred from borrowing team gear in the future. So please be respectful of our gear!


Shoes: You may decide that you'd like to have your own climbing gear rather than borrowing from Metro Rock and the team-- especially when it comes to climbing shoes. Climbing shoes normally range from ~$60-$175. 


Other: It starts to get expensive when you're buying ropes, harnesses, and fancy belay devices. The reason we have free gear to check out is to eliminate that boundary.


Financial Assistance

Climbing has historically been a very expensive sport-- the gear is expensive, the memberships are expensive... we get it! That's why we've also recently started a financial assistance program to help everybody who wants to climb get involved. We have a no-questions-asked policy-- if you say you need it, we believe you. At the beginning of each semester, we'll publish a form that you can fill out, requesting either partial or full coverage of the membership costs and team dues. This applies to students from both the recreational and competitive teams.

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